The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
The Dowling Advisory Group is honored to kick off the 18th Annual Community Bankers Symposium in Chicago with a keynote address on Friday, October 11, 2024. The training which is designed for community banking executives is hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Office of the Comptroller…
One Belt, One Road
On a Wednesday night at the China Oil & Foodstuff Corporation’s (COFCO) training facility located on the outskirts of Beijing, representatives from China’s 23 provinces shared with us their best ideas to promote China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative or the New Silk Road, a cornerstone of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s foreign policy and economic strategy. Never heard…
Top 10 Reasons to Apply for Summer Institute
Executive Course in Reform Communication Strengthen the critical communication skills required to support change agents and reform efforts in developing countries Learn the most recent advances in communication Develop the skills necessary to bring about real change Connect with a global network of development professionals Leverage social and digital media tools effectively Develop communication metrics…
Accepting Applications for 2015 Summer Institute
The World Bank’s External and Corporate Relations (ECR) Operational Communications unit; the World Bank’s Leadership, Learning and Innovation (LLI) group; the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania; and the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California are pleased to announce the 2015 Summer Institute in Reform Communication: …
FamilyKind Video
The statistics are sobering – half of all marriages end in divorce. While a breakup is tough on everyone involved, it can be particularly devastating for kids caught in the middle. We recently had the opportunity to work with a wonderful New York City non-profit called FamilyKind that tackles the issue head on, offering classes…
看到我们的同行把在世界银行-安那堡暑期课堂上学到的知识学以致用真是太棒了!Shikha Iha是亚洲开发银行在菲律宾的首席经济学家,也是我们的毕业生。请看Shikha在曼谷举行的反腐败大会上的表现。她领导了一个关于亚洲大型基础设施投资管理的专题讨论。现场有400位听众。 接下来的照片是Shikha在银行于星期四晚上举行的洞察系列中,带领“管理改革中的沟通战略”的专题讨论。她的演讲是基于去年在南加大安那堡暑期学院学到的知识和理论。 向Shikha致敬!!干得好,保持下去。 by
这个六月,一组来自世界各地的充满活力的领导者,战略家和信息传播者将聚集在南加州大学的安那堡学院,参加一年一度的世界银行-安那堡暑期学院,今年是第四届。今年决策层课程的主题是改革中的沟通:领导层,沟通策略,及取得利益相关者的认同。 什么是改革中的沟通?改革中的沟通就是构建沟通策略以支持改革进程和保持改革成果的实践。 改革中的沟通旨在通过增进一个社会对问题的了解,提高人们鉴别必须优先考虑的问题和需求的能力,及解决问题的能力,来达到使社会能够集体决策和采取共同行动的目的。 通过10天的课程,参加者会学到下面5个重要领域的关键技能: 解释及使用政治经济分析 制定策略,构建多方面利益相关者的合作,联盟,及搭建关系网络从而使其支持改革 提供并教授沟通技能以支持改革的实施 有效使用社交网络,数码传媒及数据分析工具 开发与改革相关的信息沟通衡量工具,使用监控和测评体系 The Internet Using Your 参加者还将与全世界工作在公共领域,私人公司及非营利组织的职业发展人士进行沟通,建立联系。这是去年参加者分享的课程经历。 今年,我们兴奋地迎来了一批来自肯尼亚,嘎纳,科威特,秘鲁,越南,中国,菲律宾,英国,尼日利亚,孟加拉,塞拉利昂,南非,印度等国家的各级领导。 2014年暑期学院于6月2日开始,由世界银行,南加州大学安那堡学院,和宾州大学的顶级专家教授。GMAG,全球媒体顾问公司,负责世界项目的所有管理工作。敬请关注后续进程。 by
Summer Institute Alumna in the News
It’s always great to see our colleagues putting the lessons learned in the classroom during the World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute to good use. Shikha Jha is a Principal Economist at the Asian Development Bank in the Philippines and one of our alums. Check out Shikha in action at an anti-corruption conference in Bangkok. She led…
2014 World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute
In June, a dynamic group of leaders, strategists and communicators from around the world will gather at USC Annenberg for the fourth annual World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute. The theme of this year’s executive course is Reform Communication: Leadership, Strategy and Stakeholder Alignment. What is Reform Communication? It is the practice of building communication strategies that…
GMAG is working on an important video to educate families about unsafe sleeping practices. We have partnered with ICAN Associates and First 5 LA to raise awareness about the dangers of sleeping with infants or placing them in a crowded crib. The statistics are sobering. Did you know that a baby dies from suffocation once…